Trojans on the Track for Terry

Trojans on the Track for Terry
Terry Fox running in his marathon of hope

He never quit, and neither will we!

Ecole John Diefenbaker Senior School is again, this year, participating in the Terry Fox Run.  Inspired by Terry’s Marathon of Hope, JDSS is going to be running to raise funds for cancer research and help keep Terry’s dream alive.

 “Trojans on the Track for Terry”, our all-day relay, will take place on Wednesday, September 28. Students can sign up by visiting the main office, scanning the QR code on the posters around the school, or clicking this link to register  Gather your friends and sign up as a team or sign up as an individual!

If you would like to support this fundraising initiative, there are three ways to contribute:

1. Through the Terry Fox Foundation website which will generate a tax receipt.

2. Contribute through School Cash Online

3. Send cash to school with a student to be given to the student’s homeroom teacher.

Thank you for supporting this long-standing tradition at JDSS!

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